Why not email. It is the 21st century?
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Wood, Sidney M (Titan) @ TITAN 
  To: kr...@mylist.net 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 3:27 PM
  Subject: KR> Wanting Plans KR2S

  Dan Freeman wrote ...If Rand Robbinson no longer respondes to orders to 
  purchase plans or parts as some are suggesting..., 

  I spoke with Jeannette Rand at the gathering regarding potential
  customers not being able to get in touch with her.  She said, "I put
  four or five sets of plans in the mail every week.  Most of them are for
  KR-1.  I sell more of these now than the KR-2S."  I asked about
  returning telephone calls.  She said, "I cannot afford the long distance
  telephone bills with this kind of business.  I have a fax for orders."
  During our conversation standing out on the ramp, she asked me how I got
  my KR-2 plans.  I said, "I sent you a letter with my check and a few
  weeks later the postman delivered my plans."  "There, she said, now how
  hard was that?"

  Sid Wood

  Tri-gear KR-2 N6242

  Mechanicsville, MD USA

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