Mark Gorlov wrote:

> I am a new member of Krnet and the proud new owner of a much modified Kr2
> Built and based here in the U.K. since 1992 see pic @ and
> type in the uk registration G-BTGD.

Welcome aboard.  Try,
 as I couldn't make that link work from here.Looks nice from here!  I like the 
canopy hinge mechanism most of all.There's a database of various flying KR 
configurations at that may help answer the 
prop question.That seems like way too much pitch on that prop, but prop makers 
usedifferent measuring schemes, so I may be wrong.  The length of that 
runwaywould give me nightmares though!Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabamasee 
KR2S project N56ML at to N56ML "at"

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