Don't know about the finer points questioned here (like better overall designs, 
etc...) but I believe BMW cycles went to Nikasil in the 80's (or early 90's) 
for several reasons.  One was weight, but the primary was heat transfer.  It 
seems a lot is lost in the transfer from the linings to the heads, and this 
process eliminated this issue.  I am sure there are many technical papers, 
patents, etc., for those who wish to dive deeper.  Just not sure I need to go 
that far, but clearly it is the right technology, and while it may be new here, 
it is proven stuff!Also, I think rough EXTERIORS on castings increase surface 
area and help with heat dissipation, so smooth may not be good there.  On the 
inside oil flow must be optimized, thus highly polished interiors are usually 
desired.   Marc Lee Winnig   

(815) 301-5011  Cell and Vonage   
(801) 749-9460  FAX    > I have always wondered about the roughness of the 
castings of the VW jugs  and thought the billet stuff would be better but this 
information far  exceeds what I would have expected. It looks like these jugs 
answer all of  the needs, more power, better heat disapation longer TBO and so 
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