 I am well aware of what the frequencies are. How else would I be able to
calculate what the THEORETICAL resonant length should be? The problem is
that as soon as you install the antennae into the airframe you get
capacitive coupling between the structure and the antennae which usually
lowers the resonant freq of the antennae. The antennae should therefore be
fine tuned in the position where it is going to spend the rest of its days.
 My question was whether the
SWR meter that I have used on CB freq was able to do airband freq as I was
always under the
impression that it didn't care what freq passed through it. It is after all
just a voltmeter. A resonant antennae would absorb maximum current, dropping
the voltage to a minimum which would be measured as a low reflected power
and vice versa.I would imagine that the power output of the transmitter
would be the limiting factor. You could reach a situation where the power
transmitted was too much for the meters level adjustment to bring the
reading within range of the meter's scale.
Dene Collett
KR2SRT builder
South africa
Whisper assembler
----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 5:48 AM
Subject: Re: KR> antennae tuning

>         The CB freq is 27 Meg. Airband is108 to137 Meg.
> A BIG difference. HF VS VHF, Tune for max signal on receive, Virg

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