At 03:10 PM 3/22/2007, you wrote:
>            Hello to all, I have a question for the group can anyone 
> tell me how much your flight instruments are on average ? Is 
> everyone buying them all new or ebay or what ? Im talking normal 
> stuff nothing fancy just the basics for navigation VFR only. Thanks

They will cost whatever you can find them for.  Aircraft salvage yards
"usually" ask about 50% of new cost for working instruments.  Talk
to the members of your local EAA chapter and see if anyone has
instruments they want to sell.  Some members are generous and
may offer you the cheaper ones at little or no cost.  Be cautious of
buying sight unseen ( i.e, e-bay) unless you get some kind of warranty.
Check with the maintenance shop at the local airports for bargains.
I got most of my flight instruments from a salvaged C150.

Finally, if you are considering buying new, compare the price of the
panel to the cost of going with the Dynon 10 in 1 instrument.  The
total cost may be very nearly the same.

You stated you intend to fly VFR only so good used instruments will
serve you well.  The only "new" instruments in my panel are the
engine monitoring instruments.

Larry Flesner

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