So that's it?  California, New Hampshire, or South Carolina?  The far 
extremes of the country?  I'm sure those places are great, but it'd be nice 
if the location was a little more convenient to the majority of attendees. 
Nobody else closer to the middle of the country is interested in hosting the 

Otherwise, all three of these places sound good enough for me.  We still 
need to get a mass KR "fly-out" to the West organized sometime, and Steve's 
airport at Corona sounds fine for that.  That's 1760 miles for me, which 
would take 12 hours of flying, 50 gallons of fuel one way, with at least 
four fuel stops along the way.  Maybe I need to add that extra wing tank 
first.  And we wonder why the west coast guys don't show up every year...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL
mail: N56ML "at"

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