> From: n5...@hiwaay.net
> To: kr...@mylist.net
> Subject: Re: KR> KR Gathering location, 2010
> Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 12:47:58 -0500

> But let me get this straight now...every suggestion so far has been along 
> the extreme perimeter of the country...west, northwest, north, northeast, 
> far east.  All we're missing is the tip of Florida.
> So I guess I'll give up at this point, and see y'all at MVN in 2010.  I'll 
> just be content to talk Joe Horton into meeting me at various places, and 
> visiting folks like Dan Heath or John Backer...

As a former host of the 2 KR gatherings, I have to chime in on Mark's 
observation.  I have been watching this thread with interest.  Even though I do 
have a KR anymore, I do try to stay in contact with the KR crowd and attend the 
gatherings, I'll be at MVN this year.  I am sure many who have posted 
suggestions have great airports. However, they have all seemed to be on one 
coast or the other, extreme NE or extreme NW, I'm like Mark, how come someone 
hasn't chimed in with Key West yet:-)?  

The reason I held the gathering at Lake Barkley, a 1.5 hour flight west for me 
at the time, instead of my home airport, which is centrally located anyway, is 
Lake Barkley is a little further west which allowed the western people a better 
opportunity to attend while not ruling out the eastern people.  My opinion, and 
it's just mine, as I have no dog in this fight (not very PC with the Michael 
Vick thing:-) but I think you really want a more centrally located airport than 
on a coast.  If you do go with a coast location, plan on buying fewer shirt, 
hats and don't buy as much food, you will have immediately reduced the 
attendance of the gathering.  Optimal location: Midwest, away from town, 
multiple runways, large hangar, restaurant, banquet area, close to a commercial 
airport with camping.........hum, sound like anyplace any of us has visited.

BTW, sorry I missed the Wings and Wheels yesterday, Elaine and I flew as a two 
ship to Columbus, OH to help supervise (never can have enough supervisors) the 
move of a friends RV-10 from the paint shop, did a little acro on the way, 
visited two graduation parties, had a great dinner and flew back just before 
sunset, in time to get home and watch a movie with a couple of tasty barley 
pops....gonna fly to Texas next Friday for a three day formation 
clinich.....get off this computer gang and go do something on your project, 
flying is much more fun than building!!  

Dana Overall 

1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY i39

RV-7 slider "Black Magic" 
Flying..well sorta, useta, kinda
Barrett Precision O 360 A1A
Hartzell C2YR-1BFP/F7497-2 

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