My five digit membership number attests to the fact that I have been an EAA 
member since about 1974.  Do I like everything about it....No!  Am I happy to 
be a member......Yes!  I really enjoyed the laid back atmosphere of "Oshkosh" 
during the early years, but still heard some complain that "It's not like 
Rockford!"  Times change and the EAA must keep up.  The money that EAA makes 
off of "Oshkosh" keeps the organization afloat for the whole year and supports 
many programs:  such as Young Eagles, EAA Air Academy and KidVenture.  It also 
funds lobbying and the infrastructure, such as the Museum and grounds that many 
of us actually enjoy.  It also draws customers to local businesses and chains 
like WalMart.  Many of whom will tell you they could not exist without the 
influx of customers during AirVenture.  No EAA exec is drawing a multi-million 
dollar paycheck or receiving even more as a golden parachute when retiring.  
The money goes back into the organization.  If you want a peek at the balance 
sheet, I am sure EAA would share that information.  It is a non-profit 
     Is AirVenture for everyone? .......No!  Some would rather be in their 
workshop "gettin' er done" or poking holes in clouds than shooting the bull at 
the hangar or at an EAA Chapter meeting.  Some would rather get as much as they 
can for as little as possible from the EAA...and...some would rather give back 
by volunteering at Oshkosh, their local EAA Chapter or Mount Vernon.  Thank you 
Larry F, Mark L, Bob L and all the others who make the KRnet, and KR Gathering 
a possibility.  
     Volunteering....that's what makes these events possible.  I am one of the 
selfish ones who volunteers at all of these.  Selfish because it gives me a 
great feeling that I am contributing to something constructive and it also 
gives me a sense of ownership in something that is giving back to me.  Those 
hundreds of people you see working at AirVenture selling tickets, working 
security, directing traffic, clerking at the Wearhouse, working the flightline 
or the camping locator booth are volunteers and most are also paying for their 
own ticket and camping. Try volunteering!  You may be surprised at how much 
more you will enjoy and take ownership of an event.....or maybe not.
     I am thankful each day that we live in a country where WalMart and local 
businesses can make a buck selling a shirt, but I am even more thankful for 
organizations like EAA (and another 3 letter organization) who cut through the 
government red tape, stand up against the opposition and make it possible for 
me to enjoy my favorite pastimes.  There is no way that one person or 
unorganized people can accomplish what EAA and AOPA do in dealing with 
government. Without dedicated people who work within flying organizations we 
might all spend our time looking to the sky and dreaming about being able to 
afford a $300,000+ Cirrus, Bonanza or Mooney instead of flying our own 
     So, I guess I will be willing to pay a few bucks extra for a shirt with 
the copyrighted name "AirVenture" even though I would prefer it say "Oshkosh" 
and I'll probably volunteer next year at Oshkosh and when someone is angry at 
EAA and tells me to  **** off! as they leave I'll smile and think, "Isn't this 
a great country where we can say as we please and not end up in jail.
     I hope Snakebite makes it to 2009 Gathering.   We need those fine examples 
of planes and knowledgeable builders like Lee V to make this fun and 
informative event a success!
     Constructive criticism  Sure would be 
nice to see more of that.  End of rant!  See you at MVN!
Rich Hartwig
Waunakee WI

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