I have a stock KR2, not even an S, and it does not have pitch stability
issues.  If it did, I think they would be referred to as 'PIOs'.  What it
does have is yaw stability issues, in rough air.  In smooth air, it is a
very stable airplane, but when it gets a bit rough up there, you really have
to stay on top of it.  I am sure that the S is better in this regard.

I attribute the lack of pitch instability, maybe wrongly, to higher weight,
and very forward CG.  When I was building it, I was practically paranoid
about ending up with an aft CG problem, which would have been hard to
correct.  Too much forward is easy to fix.

See N64KR at http://KRBuilder.org - Then click on the pics 
See you at the 2010 - KR Gathering in Richmond, Ky - I39
There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for Flying
has begun.
Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC

-----Original Message-----

I effectively increased horizontal stab area while leaving elevator the 
same as the KR2S plans call for.  That probably helps with pitch 

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