Tail Volume Article>  EAA Sport Aviation article up at my Private Webspace, 
by John Roncz who helped out Burt Rutan with the 1980's Dangerous when Wet 
canard issues....

Other stuff Davis DA2A study Plans & Builder help >>>>


Cold Lake-Tim

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Langford" <n5...@hiwaay.net>
To: "KRnet" <kr...@mylist.net>
Sent: Saturday, May 29, 2010 9:07 PM
Subject: KR> 9' horizontal stabilizer

I think somebody said something about building a 9' horizontal stabilizer
the other day, and I don't remember any replies.  You could certainly do
that, but I'd hope you'd make the spars tall enough to withstand the
increased load that would be applied to them.  I don't know why you'd want
to do that though, since 7' long seems to work fine on my KR2S.  One thing I
did differently than most folks though is retained the same elevator area,
so I effectively increased horizontal stab area while leaving elevator the
same as the KR2S plans call for.  That probably helps with pitch

Mark Langford
N56ML "at" hiwaay.net
website at http://www.N56ML.com

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