Hey Guys,
Sunday mornings all year with  good weather The local club flies out to 
breakfast. Today looked good so i fueled up and quickly hustled away from the 
pumps so the next guy could get in there. There is a new club member that asked 
to ride along with me and i told him if he wasn't afraid. Saddled up and did 
the run up and down the run way we went. rotated up and fuel started running in 
from the header tank onto my feet. climbed to about 400 and declared a return 
and the rest of the guys waited for me to land. I had changed my routine in 
hurrying at the pump and had not tightened any of the fuel caps. A Quick jump 
out and tightened lids up and we were back off to breakfast. on landing I asked 
again if he was scared yet. Not yet, Jeez I would have been. A 25 min flight to 
South Jersey Regional. The KR handled a little different flying closer to gross 
most noticably at slow speeds. At home airport setting up for final I was a 
little high and in ground effect It seemed to eat up the runway. So we went 
around for a second try. Jeez this time I over shot base and was high again so 
that turned into a sort of high speed pass. Third time the charm and it turned 
out to be a pretty fair landing. I asked again if he was scared yet and he said 
no, I'm pretty sure he was hiding tears by then.
           Anyway,  lessons learned in change. Changed routine and a mistake 
made. Changed weight and changed flight characteristics. That should scare away 
most of the guys that might ask for a ride at the Gathering.

Joe Horton,
Coopersburg, Pa.
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