Marry Xmas to you all.
I am having problem getting T88 and West System to stick to a Todd's Canopy.
I sent the email to below to Todd, but has anyone else had problems?

Hi Todd. ( Marry Xmas and happy New Year)

I have one of your large Zenith Canopies cut down to fit my current KR2SS 
Great flexibility and tinted.

But, I was hoping you could help, I am having problems getting Epoxy to 
stick it the Canopy.

I first use West System to glue the Timber side rails on ( as I did with my 
other KR2 , no problems for 300 hours so far) I made a mistake and tried to 
remove the first rails and they came of very easily, to my surprise. So 
Yesterday I use a new batch of T88 and again used 80 grid paper to rough up 
the canopy.
BUT tonight ( 24 hours latter) when I went to position the canopy to sand 
down the side foam and glass the outer frame, and noticed one rail had came 
away from the canopy over half the length of the canopy rail.

AS you can imagine I am very concerned that the canopy could give problem in 
flight. Can you off any ideas and help please. PS the can was protected with 
the Aircraft Spruce liquid masking solution.

Marry Xmas.

Phil Matheson
SAAA Ch 37 

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