Further, Android already has the APIs to interface with the required 
instruments, and many of the high-end phones have most of them built in...

My 'Galaxy S 4G' has an accelerometer, attitude sensor, barometer, and 
magnetic compass. The Andoid OS makes these available to apps in a 
generic format, without any HW interfacing required.

The only thing it doesn't have, is a way to read pitot pressure & true 
static air (a/o cockpit static).

Combine those with the built in GPS, and you could get a reasonable 
'backup' EFIS, although you'd still need an altimeter & ASI.

On 2/19/2012 5:01 PM, Rich wrote:
> While I used to be a computer hardware guy by degree and essentially haven't 
> practiced this century I do have a very good phd level software engineered 
> who work for me and we do collaborative development with a world reknown
>   lab at Purdue. I once voiced about changing over to windows based OS from 
> Linux on one of our instruments and the Purdue group looked at me like I had 
> 3 heads and said why move from a stable platform to an unstable MS platform? 
> My phd bought a motorola zoom and using android customizes and makes his own 
> apps effortlessly. If he had design criteria and was tasked with it, i have 
> no doubt he could design a stable EFIS system and not be hindered by Apples 
> development guidelines. Both the Android and Linux platforms allow for easily 
> implemented upgrades and customization and can be supported by independent 
> "shareware" type development groups globally. For the masses who don't know 
> how to type a URL in directly but rather always utilize google for their 
> portal onto the web, MS and Apple are perfect.
> For anyone who can think, there are better options.
> Rich Parker
> Greenfield NH
> Kr2s
> Unfortunately most of my PIC time over the past 10 years had been "Passenger 
> In Coach"
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