On Monday, July 11, 2022 at 02:13:12 PM PDT, Mark Langford <m...@n56ml.com> 
 Mike Stirewalt wrote:

 > This "aft CG" question can be a force for good or evil.  Take it up and
 > see how it flies before you make any drastic decisions.

I'm sure Mike means "within reason". 

This won't work with a nosegear without some thought . . .(using wing jacks on 
the spar with someone to stabilize the plane while lifting it seems like one 
way . . .) but if it's a conventional gear KR, filling up the header and 
lifting the tail will tell you how tail heavy the plane is.  In my experience 
with two of them this lifetime, the KR has a wide CG range that, if exceeded, 
can be easily compensated for with extra speed if necessary.   Both my KR's 
have let me get away with murder, but both KR's were built by engineers who 
were precise with their work.  Assuming a KR has been built with finesse, my 
impression is they are very forgiving.    
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