So today I was running the engine to test a new tach and something broke.  
Everything was normal and WAM BAM the right side AFR went off scale lean.  Now 
engine barely runs.  After much contemplation I think maybe an intake valve 
spring broke or I have an intake valve stuck open causing loss of all vacuum on 
that side.  I pulled apart the intake on that side and it all looked fine.  The 
plugs were bright white like an excessively lean mixture.  The left side plugs 
look normal. Now it barely runs like a one cylinder engine which I think would 
make since because the common intake with a massive leak would screw up the 
left side vacuum too.  My thought is to unbolt the intake off the top of the 
head and use my palm to cover it and see if there's any vacuum at all.  That 
might be a clue.  Anyone seen this or have any other idea to troubleshoot this. 
 When Roy rebuilt my heads we tested all the springs and they met the GM specs 
but I have no idea how many miles might be on those things.  
 BTW on a side not I had new sealed Power spring but they tested way above the 
specs so I elected not to install them.  

Thank the lord this happened on the ground.  Unlike my last adventure.

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