Cam Macdonell wrote:
> Hi,
> To be clear, do you have VMGL running?  And you're only getting ~35 FPS?
> For me, using VMGL doubles the performance of glxgears on two different 
> machines.  As well, I'm using the "Enemy Territory" demos the author 
> used and they are usable with VMGL but still jumpy.
> How do you use VMGL?  Do you use VNC or do you have SDL working some how?

If someone posts a simple howto with how to setup VMGL in a guest and 
host, I'll take a look at it this weekend and see if I can't increase 
the FPS by tweaking the virtio network driver.

virtio should get very good throughput but the latencies aren't very 
optimized yet so if VMGL is latency sensitive, this may be what you're 
seeing.  I don't know what is normal to expect from VMGL though.


Anthony Liguori

> Thanks,
> Cam
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