Hi Zethan,

First of all, great to see interest in doing Quechua but I must admit (I'm not a LO admin by the way) that I'm slightly worried. Not being a native speaker is not necessarily a problem but not being fully fluent is, to my mind, potentially an issue, speaking from experience. I am just spending untold hours of highly frustrating proofreading over on Ubuntu where over a long time, an enthusiastic but semi-fluent translator has totally messed up the Ubuntu localization.

Now, I'm not suggesting you would do the same but there is a danger that if you're not fluent by your own admission, your translation may be seen as less-than-good by users. Which can have a hugely detrimental effect up the long-term uptake if people get it in their heads that "software in Quechua makes you cringe". So without the input of a fully fluent speaker, I would be a bit worried about the quality issue. Is there a chance maybe of teaming up with someone else? I know Mozilla has a Quechua team, perhaps there's someone there?

Having said that, if you are familiar with the new language packs Microsoft did for Quechua (Win 8 and Office 2013), you may be able to use that as a very effective cribsheet, which would also have the advantage of keeping the terminology consistent, nothing more frustrating in a minoritised language than terminoloigy at loggerheads across products. Are you familiar with those?

leis na dùrachdan,


14/08/2013 11:02, sgrìobh yac...@hotmail.co.nz:
I would like to undertake a Southern Quechua (Cusco Quechua specificially) 
translation. I am not a native or even fluent speaker, but I speak it to a 
significant degree (and am getting better). It seems to me rather a large gap 
that one of the most spoken Amerindian languages (with millions of speakers) 
should have no translation of its own. Also, I would be happy to hand over the 
lead of such an undertaking to a (committed) native, fluent, or fluenter-than-I 
speaker if one came along.

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