Hello @ll,
I am not sure, if someone else has reported it the last days (sorry, 
I lost track, when what was reported the last days ... :( ), but at


commands.src RID_LIM_FROMX_HELP string.text


I found the words

Lime Subscript Bottom

. Is it really "Lime"? A short search in the web seems to indicate, 
that this would be a sort of stone, tree etc. The mathematical term 
seems to be "Limit" (though I found "Limes" as well, so I am not 
completely sure here, sorry ... :( ). Could someone explain it to me 
(and then it would be nice, if – given that it is an error – this 
could be fixed in the English text :) ), what is used in English?

Why is it that we rejoice at a birth and grieve at a funeral? It is 
because we are not the person involved.
                -- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar"

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