Here in the USA, we have a particular onion called a Spanish Onion.  It is 
large often of the flatish shape.  It is milder and slightly sweeter than 
the normal 'yellow' onion.  They are very good when a recipe calls for using 
onion that will be eaten raw.  My parents particularly liked to put them on 
The red onions are just that, red onions.
And here in Washington State we have a wonderful onion, the Walla Walla 
Sweet.  These are particularly delicious and desired for 'fresh onions'. 
They are grown in Eastern Washington and have a particular flavor if grown 
there, they don't seem to taste the same when 'the same seed' is grown in 
the western side of the State.  Eastern Washington is drier and the soil is 
different than the wetter western/costal part of the state.

Born and living in Western Washington, but I spent many summers at Grandma's 
in Eastern Washington.

> On Sun, 27 Jul 2003 22:25:04 -0400, Tamara wrote:
> >What, BTW, are "Spanish" onions? Someone -- I think in UK -- has
> >mentioned them... Are they the red ones, like the ones used for
> >gazpacho?
> Spanish onions are onions grown in Spain.  Not a particular variety,
> although the Spanish ones do tend to be generally bigger than UK grown 
> ones.
> Red onions are just called red onions here, and I couldn't tell you where
> they are grown. 
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