As I don't like seeing bare soil I fill in gaps with lavender plants. Apart
from smelling lovely if you brush against it, it spreads well and removes
the need for weeding.

Pauline Norris in Somerset made spider patterned pincushions filled with
lavender to send to everyone, using the lavender from her garden. We don't
have anything like as much as that. Some of the pincushions with the lace
edging that was made for them are on Lori's Lace Fairy pages:

When DH was serving his engineerin apprenticehsip he worked for a company
that made filling machines, and one of the jobs was for filling bottles with
Old English Lavender toilet water. The company was given several gallons of
it to test the machines, and they couldn't return it after testing because
"it was contaminated with oil from the machines". All the wives and
girlfriends had enough toilet water to last several years.

Jean in Poole

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