On Saturday, Aug 23, 2003, at 01:06 US/Eastern, Ruth Budge wrote:

My brother always fitted roo whistles to his vehicles (in the days when he
travelled long distances on country roads). He, unlike my city-dwelling
friends, has never had the experience of hitting a kangaroo - which would seem
to indicate that they do work!

Sounds to me like a good Secret Pal gift for the future :) I've never heard of the animal-deflecting whistles on cars, but could use one for squirrels and rabbits (no, they're no danger to me, but I'd rather frighten than kill <g>)

From Jim Stavast:

I don't know if this is the case in all states but in Utah if you kill a
deer or other big game animal with your car on the road you have to
pay the state the value of the animal which is around US$1000.

You have to catch them first, like any hit-and-run :)

Re: allergies:

From Margaret in PA:

Tamara, did you ever try goat's- milk cheese?

Yes. But I dislike the smell and the taste, so never had enough to *really* test it :) And I only have a *mild* lactose intolerance; cheese or buttermilk once-twice a week are OK, though I don't like *them* any better :) I take calcium pills with my tea and lemon, now that I am no longer a child forced to drink milk because "it's good for you" :)

From Barbara Srokes in Oz:

As to food allergies etc, how many of these people with allergies were
not breast fed?

Doesn't "play", or not in my family. I cannot check, but have to assume that my father was breast-fed till he was walking... 1915 in a Polish village didn't much go for "fancy" (for example, neither he nor any of his 11 siblings were born in a hospital; too much trouble and expense). I (born '49) was breast-fed till I was 6months old (even though my Mother had to go back to work after 4 months, the nanny trekked there with me twice daily; "pampered" doesn't begin to describe it <g>). My son (born '77) was breast fed till he was 11 months old (and began to express unhealthy -- IMO -- interest in the rest of my body <g>)...

My stepdaughter's two (15 and 12, respectively) were breast fed the first 3 months. I don't know about my stepson's three (and suspect not), but only one of them has enough problems to have started this discussion, while all the rest of us wheeze and scratch, and swell to *some* extent...

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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