From Barbara Srokes in Oz:

As to food allergies etc, how many of these people with allergies were
not breast fed?

Sorry, Barbara, doesn't work for our family either. I breast-fed all my kids until they were 4 - and they were exclusively breast-fed til at least 6 months. My son had ONE bottle of formula in the hospital (my blood sugar had gone very high, and they told me there was serious danger of brain damage if he didn't have formula, as my milk hadn't come in yet) ... and six months later when my husband tried another, he spat up for an hour. He's still VERY allergic to milk products, and he's almost twenty. He's also allergic to nuts, soy, legumes, and peanuts. My daughter who had no formula at all is also allergic to nuts. On the whole, given the choice I had between possible allergies and brain damage, he has agreed with me that being normally intelligent with allergies was the right one to make, but it still isn't pleasant.

I have wondered, and not bothered to look up the research, if part of the problem may not be that I am lactose intolerant, so perhaps some fraction of the incoming milk I was consuming was passed on to my son in my milk.

My intolerance is mild enough that I can eat cereal with milk, I just don't drink the stuff. Keep a bottle of TUMS in my desk at work and nibble on them daily. I don't care for the taste of milk anyhow, and it's even worse with that Lactaid stuff in it (too sweet).
Martha Krieg [EMAIL PROTECTED] in Michigan

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