I had a friend over when your package arrived.  At first I set it aside, but I
couldn't wait to see what was inside, so I invited my friend to look with me,
and we opened the package together!  It was so much fun! She was as excited as
I was! The coffee smells delicious, and the "tea" you sent smells absolutely
fantastic!  I am looking forward to trying them both out.  The thread is such
a nice color and the swan made it safely across the country.  He looks right
at home in my pin cushion!  The roosters are beautiful. They even earned a
second look from my husband!   I have enjoyed each rooster item you've sent
very much!  I can see from the calendar that you live in a beautiful part of
this country. My father-in-law went there several years ago...it had been a
life long dream to see those big trees!  He loved it.  You're right about the
variety of views in a state.  I am surrounded by salt marshes here and about 5
miles from the ocean.  Still, because I am in the north of the state, I have a
yard full of magnolia trees and live oaks.  It sounds like you had a wonderful
Christmas.  I'm glad you could share it with your best friend.  I have shared
over 29 with mine now.  It gets better and better each year.  Take care of
yourself...I can't imagine the weather you've had!  Talk to you soon.
A very appreciative SP,

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