Dear Secret Pal,

I should have emailed a couple of days ago but our cat decided to have her kittens under the computer desk so we have tried to minimize the use of the computer. It has been quite exciting especially for the children. I don't know how many chances they will have to witness a live birth - I won't go into the details but suffice it to say this wasn't planned.

Thank you so much for the great gifts this month! The bone bobbin pendant is beautiful and I will have to find some really special beads to spangle it with -as well as to spangle the other beautiful bobbin. I had read all the messages a while ago about the horseshoe so was really pleased to get one. I have a piece on the go now that will certainly benefit from it once I get to the halfway point as the threads will start to overlap the pins. And now that my knee has healed up enough I can soak in the bath with my fizzie ball. The cover cloth turned out to be a bag which is great because I don't have a nice bag to carry all my lacemaking odds and ends when I'm travelling. And of course the chocolate disappeared fairly quickly!

I have finally got over trying to figure out what I ordered from the UK every time your parcel arrives. Now I spend the walk back to the house wondering what wonderful things you could have sent me this month!

Thank you,

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