I guess I am the only person who really likes my Iphone. If we are out  
shopping for instance, and we have just gone to every store we know of that has 
 a double oven (recent shopping event) I can search the internet to find 
out if  there are any other appliance stores out there that we don't know 
about, and my  phone will tell me exactly how to get to them. Or say we 
some place we  have been to, but don't recall exactly where it is, we can 
search from the  iphone. There is no need to return home and search the 
internet or consult the  increasingly unuseful Yellow Pages phone directory. 
Also, if we have  just decided to go to  restaurant that we are going to  be 
driving near, we can get the number from the Iphone and call for  reservations, 
Vis a vis the camera function. It is great. My husband and I have had many  
cameras over the years that we take with us to places. Inevitably when we 
get to  these places, my husband, who doesn't like to carry things, says, we 
can leave  the camera in the car, right? Then supposedly if there is 
something we would  like a photo of, we intend to go get it, but that never 
to work out. Now,  with the Iphone, I can take a picture instantly and not 
carry any extra weight.  I can, for instance, suddenly decide to take a 
picture of my daughter and her  boyfriend at dinner, and I can send it 
to his mother so that she can  enjoy the moment, too. When my daughter 
travels, she usually sends me a picture  every day so that I can see what she 
doing. I can even take a picture of an  interesting lace if one appears, 
without having to have anticipated this. I was  in Ithaca for the lace weekend 
this year and was walking by a closed store with  a beautiful wire woven 
sculpture in the window. I thought one of my lace friends  who works in wire 
would be interested, so I took a picture of it, and dispatched  it instantly. I 
actually find there are many times when my expensive camera  takes a worse 
picture than the Iphone, especially when I am shooting a picture  of lace 
through a glass barrier. I have no idea why this is. But after taking a  few 
with my expensive camera that don't work out, I take one with the Iphone and  
it is usually better.
As for the utility of messages, it is always nice when you are standing on  
a street corner waiting for someone to meet you, to be able to check for  
messages in case the person has left you one saying she isn't coming, or is  
running late and will meet you somewhere else.
I can also read my email on it when we are traveling, thus saving me from  
having to take a computer and pay for an internet connection. 
And then there are those moments in the car or when you are out, when  you 
suddenly want to know some item of trivia like the state bird, let's say, or 
 when gun powder was invented, or when the Erie Canal opened. Sometimes 
this is  very important for settling disputes among family members. Voila, 
wikipedia to  the rescue.
Actually, the first time I saw an Iphone, it was at Sweet Briar and another 
 attendee wanted to know how she could get the desirable flat pillows from  
Germany. She had me search the internet for the provider on her Iphone 
during  lunch, and I found her. It  was then that I perceived that the Iphone 
had  real possibilities.

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