I don't have an iPhone or iPod or iPad.....yet. I am thinking of getting a Droid to replace my current cell phone since we are on the Verizon network. (I understand iPhone might be available to Verizon within the year though...??) For lace application, I have used my camera function to photograph diagrams drawn on the board by instructors in lace classes as I am not great at reproducing drawings sometimes, and I can get the diagram quickly and accurately, before it is erased for the next one to be drawn. I also take quick photos of various things I want to remember for later. Though I believe I can get internet connection on my current phone, I haven't tried it since it isn't inexpensive and the viewing screen is quite small compared to the smartphones. I would love to be able to surf on the fly for those senior moments when I cannot remember something and could easily find it on the net. All of the other applications Devon mentioned would also be useful. We, too, got our original phone for security purposes like auto breakdowns, etc., but have gradually found it to be useful in a number of other instances. Essentially having an integrated computer/camera/phone etc.in such a small package is very enticing and can quickly feel indispensible.

Vicki in autumny Maryland

-----Original Message-----
From: dmt11h...@aol.com
I guess I am the only person who really likes my Iphone.

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