I am allergic to cheese, and find it hard to eat out, as everything seems to
be smothered in it these days.


I can eat butter, and cream, but yoghurt - the fruit variety in small does
is OK, but the Greek style is far too close to cheese for me to eat.


They even have cheese over roast dinners, - well the potato and vegies, so I
wind up, - if I am lucky_ with chips  - fries in USA, I think!  And
sometimes they seem to think I am kidding. Well, - the results of me eating
cheese is - to be polite, - like severe travel or sea sickness, and I am
sure they would not like That everywhere!!!!!!! :-)


Why do they have to muck about with food like that?!!!   A nice gravy would
be much better than cheese sauce over it all!!! :-)


Regards from Liz in Melbourne


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