In message <>, "Gray, Alison J" <> writes

I couldn't agree more, both DD and I are allergic to all forms of dairy food, and certainly in the UK when eating out desserts are all but impossible. In restaurants they very rarely understand what is actually in the food they are serving up.

I tend to have salad rather than chips/veg when I'm out, but I always ask for it without onion or dressing... there have been several places where I've been told "we don't dress our salads" only to be served a dressed salad... the worst are those where it looks on the surface that the salad isn't dressed, but under the top leaves, there hides the dressing.... would they really like me to bring the lot back up? With (raw) onion, it is a matter of dislike, so if the slices are large I will occasionally pick it out and pass it to my husband - but finely chopped and the whole lot has to go back.

Usually it is a case of the kitchen being on auto-pilot - the worst was the evening at a local pub we use often, our waiter (who ended up very frustrated!) put the order through correctly - we watched him type it in - but between the salad and my steak they got it wrong three times, and I ended up with a free meal!

We have in the past, when out with a coeliac friend, had a Beefeater go and get their list of ingredients to check, and others when asked about the presence of nuts (which give me painful mouth ulcers) have been able to check, either with the chef or in one case "I'll go and look at the box it came in"!!!

My other peeve is in restaurants with help-yourself salad bars - where people insist on using the wrong tongs so you end up with beetroot (yuck!) in the cucumber..... or mayonnaise from the pasta stuff (they call that salad???) mixed in with the peppers.... grrrr
Jane Partridge

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