I agree!   I know a lady who keeps asking me if I sell my lace, because she'd
like to buy a piece for her daughter.  I don't know whether the daughter would
even appreciate a simple lace bookmark, and as I'm always struggling to find
time to work projects for myself without making lace for others to not
appreciate, I've always declined, telling her that it'd cost too much.

I usually quote the number of hours for the project, then point out that, even
at $AUD5 per hour (about 2 GBP!!!!) the cost would be .......   And of course,
even pizza delivery people get more than that!

That usually brings gasps of astonishment, and the person decides they don't
want a piece of lace as badly as they thought.

This particular lady will not accept "No" for an answer, and she keeps
pestering me.   She is an artist who sells her pictures - and having seen them
in the shop, I know how much she's charging.  However, her last snappy comment
when I told her I didn't sell my lace was to the effect that she thought I
should be prepared to give it away for the pleasure of sharing my skills with

I held my tongue - but the temptation to tell her that the day she gives her
pictures away, I'll give my lace away was very great!!

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia) 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Some people know the price of everything and the value
of nothing! 
People ask to buy an article at which you may have sat and worked 100 hours. 
I consider I am worth as a fairly skilled lacemaker at least 10 to 15 GB 
pounds per hour. 
So that would make the piece in labour costs at least 1000 GBP. No-one would 
want to pay that price. 
I don't undervalue myself enough to sell at a lower price so I give my pieces 
as gifts to people I love. They treasure them as a gift of love and their 
love in return is of much more value.


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