Gentle Spiders,

The last week or so, I've been corresponding with several BL "novices" on the finer points of Torchon bookmarks (I have the book in which the bookmarks were published, so could check what they were talking about). Three of them (the novices) mentioned -- as if it were a dirty secret -- a *general* problem or two they were having (not the same ones). I couldn't begin to understand why they thought those problems were something to be ashamed of; when I was starting, the overload of info was overwhelming -- *everything* was new, and everything had to be memorised before the fingers (skills) took over... "Up a creek without a paddle" is where I felt I was (of course, that was '89, I had only one book, with outdated info re: suppliers, and no Arachne in sight <g>).

So, as I was writing back, I kept thinking: "been there, done that..." And then realised that, no, I did *not* have a T-shirt to prove it; I have several lacemaking T-shirts, but not *that* one.

I'd love to have a T-shirt (either short or long-sleeved) which said "been there, done that... Ooops" and then showed some lace (Torchon?) with common "oopsies"... My personal favourite would be the messed-up footside -- pin under 2 instead of under 4 for just one pin -- that's one that still happens to me sometimes (in Milanese). But I'm sure there are other "lovely" ones worth commemorating... :) "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" at the bottom optional...

Non-BL-ers wouldn't understand it, but then they don't understand the "straight" ones, either. For *us*, however... On the one hand, it's a statement of improvement (been there, done that, but am not doing it anymore). On the other hand, it'd be reassuring (I should think) to novices to know that *everyone* had, at some point, worn the "lace diapers" but did manage to get "toilet trained" in the end...

If y'all think the idea is worth pursuing, and if there's someone among us who'd be willing to get such a T-shirt "organised", I'd volunteer to make the "oops-y lace" for it *After* New Year's <g>) Provided, of course, other people on the list were willing to share their particular bugaboos (a pine-cone tally among a cluster of perfect ones?) overcome or not...

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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