On Saturday, Dec 13, 2003, at 07:17 US/Eastern, Clay Blackwell wrote:

I think it's a clever idea - but wonder if the medium is
going to do it justice?  If you look at your other "lacey"
t-shirts, you'll see that there isn't much detail to be
seen...  the individual threads just aren't there.  So the
"oops" samples may not look much different from the correct

Well, I was thinking more along the lines of one large sample. Well-designed, it could be packed with *visible* oopsies :)

Say, 3-4 repeats of a reasonably simple edging (threads dangling, suggesting a project cut off in disgust, to lend it versimilitude <g>). I could, easily, make a messed up footside, a cluster of "holly leaves", maybe some mis-matched roseground, and I dare say I'd manage to mess up a fan too, not to mention any half-stitch trails/diamonds... If necessary, one could have arrows pointing to the delinquents :)

I imagine the lace (single colour) running down the centre, like an oversized placket, with the 4 lines of text (small-ish lettering) on eiter side staggered (right/top; left/bit lower; right/lower still, next to better lace; left, at the bottom, next to a good example): "Been there... Done that... Not anymore... [EMAIL PROTECTED]"(or IOLI, or whatever; whoever wants to claim the pat on the back for improvements <g>)

As for the "staying power" of the images... None of the (commercially made) T-s I have are peeling or getting fuzzy as yet, though one of them is 7.5 yrs old (the first Arachne commemorative, with the 6-legged spider) I don't wear (and wash) them all that often, except the long-sleeved one (2yr old) from The Lace Museum, but, still... I'm not displeased with the return for my money on any of them, as none were all that expensive.

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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