On Saturday, Dec 13, 2003, at 20:33 US/Eastern, Clive and Betty Ann Rice wrote:

Maybe this needs to be moved to "chat" but I'll not do it. O.K. by me to be

As one reprobate to another... Unless and until someone objects, I'm staying here too; much bigger audience :)

The reason the "home-made" tees don't do for the long haul is because the commercially made ones are screen printed from the design and I believe they are sealed with extreme steam or heat (I could be wrong, but think that is the reason).

There; I knew there had to be a reason why I had no trouble with my stash of them.

One has to choose a good, commercial tee shirt printer, and the initial rum is
no less than 100 to be economically viable. Then we come to the sizes: small,
medium, large, XL, XXL, and how many of each to include in the initial printing
of 100. The XL and XXL cost more as well. However, another organization I
belong to, made a neat profit on our first printing of 100.

Tamara, shall you and I become entrepreneurs? <g>

Well, the two of us had "rubbed" well before, I don't see why we couldn't do it again, for gain... :) *If* there's an interest in the resulting product...

What we would need -- from Arachne at large -- is:

a) suggestions for the "early learning stage nightmares" that ought to be included in the lace pictured (I'd try to do my best to design a pattern using as many of those as possible)
b) suggestions for the recipient of profit (if any) -- Arachne as such has no legal "body" to receive it, nor do we need the money, since Liz Reynolds keeps shelling out for the domain.

Many of you may not be familiar with Betty Ann -- she doesn't post too often -- but those of us "Down South" and in the North Carolina Region Lace Guild do know her. She has -- recently -- designed a logo pin for the guild *and* organised its execution (staunchly refusing to accept a product that wasn't "just so" <g>) at very reasonable rates... She has the necessary 'puter skills to tweak any of my ideas into shape, and we live near enough (within my driving distance <g>) one another to communicate beyond e-mail...

So... The first question is: would any of you be interested in buying T-shirt designed along the lines proposed so far?
Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia, USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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