At 02:54 AM 1/23/2005, you wrote:
As a non English mother tongue, I am wandering which is the difference and the most important: what do you understand by "wholestitch and clothstitch".
Reading different lace books I have noticed the use of the 2 words without distinction.

This comes up regularly because it is one of the conundrums of lacemaking. (I do pretest attributing it to the USA as in a couple other messages. The USA came into lacemaking long after this developed in Europe. We usually use the method our teacher used.)

Two terminologies.
English form:
Half Stitch   CT
Whole Stitch  CTC
Double Stitch CTCT  (or Whole Stitch and Twist)

Continental form:
Half Stitch       TC   or  CT
Cloth Stitch    CTC
Whole Stitch   TCTC   or CTCT

At the start of your book, have a page with the definitions that you are using in your book. Then each lacemaker can use or translate as they desire.

This mix up of the wording of the stitches is one reason many pattern designers resort to diagrams more than words. (With my own students, I find I avoid the term of Whole Stitch completely. I use Half, Cloth, and Double -- just my own version. I do explain the two methods, though.)

Best wishes with your book,

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