> > Most looks like IC but the stuff in the ovals looks odd.
> I don't see that it looks much like IC, either :) I have some Irish 
> Crochet lace - possibly also late 19th, but more likely early 20th c
> - 
> given to me by my late MIL (born 1897), so I'm fairly familiar with
> it, 
> even if I never tried to make it. Neither the roses nor the "ums" 
> (what's the English for the three-leaf clover?) are anywhere near as 
> "defined" (separate layers as well as depth of indentations between
> the 
> petals) and 3-D as in the pieces I have.

i would like to add my only 2 cents worth on the lace skirt, which is
all i have to give.  i think it lays too flat to be crochet, but the
sixth picture down from the sitting fairie looks like it has the rows
where crochet is turned around when you reach the end and begin a new

if it is crochet, the pattern was meant to immitate needle lace with
the honey comb background.  also i think it looks beautiful! wish i had
a 30" waist!! lol.

from suzy in tennessee,u.s.a.

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