Yes the upper piece, for storing the lace as it comes off the pillow, is
called a plioir. Hard to pronounce with English-shaped vowels :p
The second piece I have no idea. An ell is about 45 inches. Does that help?
It is an English measure. Perhaps there is a French measure which the wooden
piece would represent. The two holes at either side though... quoi donc?

> Assuming it has anything to do with lace at all, could it be the measuring
> device for an "ell" of lace, which was the increment in which lace was
> sold.
> Someone once told me that lacemakers of the past made it by the ell  and
> often
> lace borders sewn together in ell long lengths if you look at it  closely.
> I think the name for the upper object is a plior. They were selling these,
> newly made, in the museum in Brioude, and someone in one of the small
> villages
> that I didn't visit, still carves them, and was suggested as a possible
> stop
> on  my zip through the Le Puy area. However, that was one stop I didn't
> make.
Bev in Sooke BC (on beautiful Vancouver Island, west coast of Canada)

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