Hello Laurie

Maybe the seller would be better advised to describe the bobbins as 'possibly by' a certain maker and leave the decision open to the buyer. I also have noticed other bobbin sellers quoting the book by David and Christine - which I agree is excellent but not infallible. My own personal problem is when sellers (though of course it may not have been them) 'tamper' with bobbins i.e. replace wiring or beading (with beads totally inappropriate in size, colour etc), replace tinsel with bright shiny new or touch up the paintwork. OK when the old bobbins were new they would probably have been to our eyes quite garish but I prefer to see them in all their faded glory :o)

Diana in Northants

----- Original Message ----- From: "Laurie Waters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "arachne" <lace@arachne.com>
Cc: "Laurie Waters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2007 9:22 PM
Subject: [lace] Bobbin maker attribution on Ebay

There is a nice bone bobbin on ebay 220138516687 which is attributed to maker David Haskins. The seller has several other bobbins up for sale attributed to specific old makers. I just wrote to her asking how she could be so sure of the maker, and she said that she's relying on the Springett book "Success to
the Lace Pillow". An excellent work, and I'm sure the Springetts have done
their work very well. I haven't looked in detail at their description, but I'm
sure the seller has. But I have a larger question.
Bobbins aren't signed and she seems to be guessing that this is a Haskins
bobbin based on the Springett book. Shouldn't this item, and similar ones, be
marked as 'in the style of Haskins', with the Springett book given as a
reference? Or something like that? It may be a perfect attribution for all I
know, but then again it might be someone copying Haskins or a modern
reproduction - fakers can be extremely clever. Without a more specific
provinance, I don't see how this attribution can be listed.
I'd like opinions before writing to her again, or maybe even to Ebay
officials. This isn't the first seller that I have seen do this.

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