Hi Laurie,

This is something which has perplexed me somewhat - witness my posting re. the 'William Worsley Hanging Bobbin' which occasioned messages, which would seem to suggest that I was worrying unnecessarily. But - however many people tell me they are definitely genuine, I still retain a few doubts, especially if I am buying without actually seeing the item concerned.

Many years ago. at a large Antiques Fair which will remain nameless, I spotted a common-or-garden plastic bobbin - one of the white ones - labelled as bone/ivory, and with a price of £17.00 sterling on it. And this was about 25 years ago! I mentioned to the seller that it was, in my opinion, plastic, and made by Mr Hornsby and, although Mr Hornsby's bobbins were good quality plastic, they weren't bone, neither were they ivory. She argued with me that they were, and I trundled out to the car, to fetch in several of my own white, black and brown plastic bobbins; I told her that, as a special offer - as she compared her one to my several - that she could have them at a special price of £3.00 each. She declined, not much to my surprise! The bobbin was taken off the stall at that point but, when I went back after a cup of tea and a rest, there it was, back again, same label, and same price. If she was so convinced, why didn't she want to buy mine, at such a good price?

Since then, I must admit to being a little cynical when it comes to claims which it would be very difficult to prove - and I also have a good friend, who showed me how to 'age' bone so that it looks antique. Need I say more ...

Just my four pennorth!    May your pins never bend.

Carol - in Suffolk UK

----- Original Message ----- From: "Laurie Waters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "arachne" <lace@arachne.com>
Cc: "Laurie Waters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2007 9:22 PM
Subject: [lace] Bobbin maker attribution on Ebay

There is a nice bone bobbin on ebay 220138516687 which is attributed to maker David Haskins. The seller has several other bobbins up for sale attributed to specific old makers. I just wrote to her asking how she could be so sure of the maker, and she said that she's relying on the Springett book "Success to the Lace Pillow".

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