Hello Janice,

Check out Susan's wonderful Honiton and Binche lace. I am so envious of lacemakers who can do fine laces so beautifully.

Really wonderful pieces there! Honiton is beautiful, though I don't think I'd like working it, what with taking in and out bobbins all the time.

I did check out Achim's web site so I knew he was another of our lace "guys". Most of us are happy to make lace on our pillows, this is the first time I have heard of someone making an edging for a pillow, or maybe it is not for a lace pillow that he mentioned in his email.

Yes, it's for a lace pillow. The pillow is 4 cm high and totally flat, probably self made (bought it cheap on ebay). Now I want to make it domed, upholster it with new cover fabric and put a lace border around it. Since it will be touched a lot when turning the pillow, to make it less delicate, I use linen (Fresia 140/2) instead of cotton for the Bucks lace - I picked a pricking that suits a thicker thread and also magnified it to 110%.

I'm still searching for a supplier of not-too-expensive thick felt to put as a last layer below the cover fabric. I'd prefer woollen felt - does anyone try to upholster a pillow with synthetic felt - I wonder if it would hold the pins as well as the natural felt?

Best, Achim in rainy Berlin

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