Hi Miriam and everyone,

I can say that they exist at least 5000 lacemakers, only here in my area of Catalunya (Spain).

Possibly the number raises up to 10.000 lacemakers, all the country (Spain) (I have not evidence of this, this is only a supposition)

So, it is not a nonsense to speak of "tens of thousands" all over the world!

Carolina.Barcelona. Spain.

Carolina de la Guardia

Witch Stitch Lace
"Special Fan Patterns" now available

bevw escribió:
Hi Miriam and everyone
I think you can safely say 'thousands' of lacemakers throughout the world -
not 'tens' of thousands, but 'thousands' should cover it. There are about
500 in Canada, by my guesstimate, but let's say a thousand counting anyone
who could possibly have tried bobbin lace.

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