Hi Rhiannon -

The mat pricking was produced and sold by Ruth Bean, but has long been out of print. Ruth Bean holds the copyright, and when contacted about re-publishing the mat, the response was that there were no plans to do that.

Sorry!! Maybe someone else (in the UK, perhaps) has more recent information?


Rhiannon Mann wrote:
I believe David was working on his resizing back in 2003 according to the
archive- is this so?

Nine inches does not seem very big; that must need some extra special

Has anyone got an updated source for the channer mat pricking as LACEFAIRY
link is no longer in service?

Top work tho' David- your three day updates are making me keep on working my
edging to get my black thread out for some katstich patterns!


Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2009 10:26:54 -0500
From: clayblackw...@comcast.net
To: d.collye...@aapt.net.au; lace@arachne.com
Subject: Re: [lace] Re Miss Channer goes Chantilly

David in Ballarat wrote:
Strange. This is the first time I've ever tackled her!!! ??
REALLY?! I am certain that "way back" on this list, someone else did
the mat, and we saw frequent updates. For some reason, I thought it was


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