In message <60ac1333c39c49b88b1695bfdde38...@suzyf9f7c645ba>, Sue <> writes
Anyway about 2 inches into the lace on a cloth stitch trail I ended up with
a loose bobbin and thread in my hands.

This time I know I am not pulling too
hard, not flying through the work, working quite slowly and steadily, so Why

Most likely, at this time of year, we have the heating on and it is drying the thread out - cotton and linen are stronger wet than dry. Try leaving a damp tea-towel over your pillow at night.

The other problem I've found with Bucks is that certain threads un-spin (due to S or Z twist) in use - I suspect it is the "one cross, three twists" of the ground stitches that is the cause of this. I avoid DMC broder machine for Bucks for this reason - though Madeira and the William Hall thread (now no longer available, sadly) I have behave perfectly.

Make sure that when you lengthen the thread from the bobbin you are holding the bobbin at right-angles to the thread - so you are unwinding the thread from the bobbin and not altering the twist on the thread - this tip from Margaret Allen years ago has saved me a lot of problems.

It might just be a rogue spool of thread - you get them occasionally - or that the outer layers of the thread on the spool dried out in storage, which would explain why some threads are breaking and others not - if it is the thread on the same bobbins each time, next time one breaks, instead of joining the already wound thread back in, try re-winding it from the spool first?.
Jane Partridge

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