On Mon, 22 Mar 2010, Sue Harvey wrote:
....I was lucky enough to get a couple of photos of Henry VIII and did notice 
that the front of his costumes seemed to be decorated with gold bobbin lace....

Hi Sue,
you obviously had a wonderful day out at Hampton Court. Thank you for posting 
the photos. The costumes look splendid, and really bring the portraits to life. 
I think the goldwork may have been embroidery rather than lace on the original. 
Though, again going by contemporary portraits, gold lace and bobbin-made braids 
were around before the white linen laces came to England. Very little actual 
lace survives from this (or any other) period because the valuable gold could 
be melted down and used again.


On Tue, 23 Mar 2010, Elizabeth Ligeti wrote:
....I have seen a photo of a painting where Lady Jane Grey certainly had narrow 
torchon-type lace around her cuffs....

Hi Liz,
I'm intrigued to know what Portrait you are referring to. There aren't that 
many, and most (if not all) are later copies rather than strictly contemporary. 
The National Portrait Gallery in London has recently put on display a painting 
newly identified as Jane Grey, but even that was painted 40 years after her 
death. It has no lace - just a little embroidery at the neck and cuffs.

Bridget Marrow, in Pinner, Middlesex.                                     

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