Hi All,

I came to lace through my interest in things Ecclesiastical - have my original
receipt for joining the Australian Lace Guild, Nov 83, which was needed to do
the original Correspondence Course.  The text of the course has been revised,
and revised again each time Rosemary Shepard republishes her book.

Can remember being 5-6 when I started knitting and using Mum's treadle machine
and learning to knit.  My mum was only a basic seamstress (20 years old, 80
miles from the corner store and having babies), but taught me what I asked
when I asked.  The real inspiration to go further came from my grandmother
Alice, who taught me to crochet aged 9 when she was dieing from liver cancer.

Crochet has always been my most productive area, but I have my second
Eeva-Liisa picture on my big pillow and have to finsih a Russian Lace reindeer
to go on a blue velvet dress for eldest granddaughter (6) who lives in

Did a lot of embroidery in my teenage years, but in the last 30 years,
patchwork has occupied a regular amount of time.  Lace still has a special
part in my creative life and the biggest regret that I have is not having more
opportunity to teach others some of the skills I have acquired over the years.
If it is a thread related craft, I have either tried it or have information in
one of my books.

Had already made the decision to work towards my Teaching Certificate in
Crochet when I heard this week that Betty Franks collapsed and died a couple
of days ago in Brisbane.  Oh to be able to display the same generosity and
quiet confidence.  I met Betty for the first time in October at the Australian
Lace Guild Workshop/AGM week.

Mary Carey
Campbelltown, NSW, Australia

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