I went to the Ideal Home exhibition in London in 1979. I saw (for the very
 first time) a lady making lace on the Townswomen's Guild stand.... ( I wonder
where she is now?) At the time (I was 29), she looked like a
 'little old lady'... I was mesmerised.. after a few minutes she paused and
 looked up and breathlessly I asked... 'How long have you been doing
 that?'.. she cheerfully replied 'about 2 years!' I instantly thought 'if a
 little old lady can learn in 2 years, I can too!' So I later put my name
 down for a weekend course entitled 'Beginners Bucks Point lace making' at
 Missenden Abbey led by Miss Dawson. . Little did I know that you needed to
 know how to make lace for that course! The requirements list arrived and I
 had no idea what it meant. Luckily my husband knew someone at work whose
 wife does that sort of thing!' so I contacted her, Kathy Corbett, and she
 helped and has been a very firm friend ever since.

 Missenden Abbey ran three classes that weekend, (March 1980) led by Miss
 Dawson, Miss Miller and Margaret Tite. I was in Jean Millers class and she
 got me going.. I did bandage, little fan and even started sheep's head
 during the weekend... I was hooked and haven't stopped since! I warn all
 new lace makers that it needs a government health warning as it is 'very

 Jan Tregidgo


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