What about you? What sparked your interest and what keeps you coming back?

saw 8 lace pillows with 8 different types of lace in progress, some with
continental bobbins others with spangled bobbins at a "Art & Fiber" exhibit at
a community college.   On the exhibit there was a card for the lace teacher
who was teaching lessons.  I "just had to learn it" - it was like all entire
body was telling me to learn to make lace, I felt it down to my bones.  After
I completed my first lace handkerchief edging about one month after I started,
my mom told me that my great-grandmother made lace.   So I guess it really was
in my DNA.   My mom sews beautifully and had tried to teach me.   I did not
like sewing, I always felt that the machine was too fast, it ran away with the

I have loved making lace, many projects for family and friends
who appreciate the time it takes.   I love the puzzle of the threads and how
the lace grows.  I also love the feel of my bobbins in my hands and the sound
of the bobbins as I work.  Lace has always been my form of relaxation because
of the focus needed, it is my form of mediation.  

Chris Brill-Packard
Cleveland, OH - a beautiful day for Thanksgiving - sunshine and 50 - long walk
with the dogs to "preburn the calories"

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