On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 7:08 AM,  <dmt11h...@aol.com> wrote:
> I will be interested to hear any feedback on these attempts.
> My suspicion is that a lady sitting on a park bench tatting,  crocheting,
> knitting or doing needle lace, which is held in the hand is  tolerated, but a
> lady setting up a table will not be. The table is sort of a  "structure".

I have been taking my lace while traveling for a good decade.  I have
not inspired anyone to begin making lace, to my knowledge, but I do
wind up talking with a lot of people about it,  It is rare to not have
a number of people comment each time I bring it out.  I have made lace
in a number of parks as well as on many beaches.  Sometimes I have my
stand, sometimes I work with a small pillow on my lap.  But, I have
not had any issue  with park rangers or anyone asking me to leave.  I
have come to the conclusion that even if no one begins making lace
because of what they have seen, at least we have given it a name.  I
think the better people are educated and familiar with things, the
more likely they are to notice it in museums and other places, which
will ultimately further our cause.


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