I no longer have a child in school, but I was talking to an  elementary 
school teacher the other day. She made the interesting claim that now  that 
penmanship is being de-emphasized in favor of key boarding, she observes  that 
the children are not developing fine motor skills as in the past. In fact,  
she said some of them cannot even use scissors competently.
I was actually never very good at penmanship myself, and wish  they had 
abolished it earlier, but it is interesting to think that there might  be a lot 
of people who are not developing fine motor skills as a result. Has  this 
been observed by anyone else? 
Of course, nothing develops fine motor skills like lacemaking  :-), so 
perhaps that is the "in" for the link to childhood education. On the  other 
hand, if children are not developing fine motor skills, where will the  
lacemakers of tomorrow come from? 

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