Easiest for who?

As a left hander, this kind of idea (that all a right hander needed to do
was sit opposite and let me mirror image) is part of what caused me to hate
crochet.  My mother, a right hander, tried to teach me to crochet for
years, not realizing that my brain didn't see things like her brain did.
 It led to years of frustration, and finally had us both give up on it.

When I was in high school, the school I went to had a "hand crafts" course
in it's Home Economics department.  I took the class, and crochet was the
first craft taught.  I was ready to get an "F" in the class because of how
bad I'd done with my mother.  It turns out, the teacher was actually
left-handed and had taught herself how to do everything right handed to
teach the right handed teens.  However, she taught me how to do it left
handed, and I had no problems with learning.  I did so well, I received an
"A" for that module.

I absolutely *hate* crochet still, and I am now 46 years old.  In all the
fiber arts I can do, I will never crochet because my mother made me hate it
so much by her attempts to teach me and her inability to understand that
it's not as simple or easy as just sitting across from a lefty and having
them mirror image a righty.


On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 7:42 AM, David C COLLYER <dccoll...@ncable.net.au>wrote:

> Dear friends,
>> Have you tried showing a left-hander a technique in the mirror. It works
>> for some though not for all.
> Sometimes it's easiest just to sit opposite and let the other person
> mirror your image.
> David in Ballarat, AUS
> -
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