Hi Jenny

25 pins per 5cm = 2mm spaces between the pins.
The chart on page 8 of T4L, Ed 5  or 
suggests 50 w/cm

Brok 120/2 is 60 w/cm and Egyptian Gassed is 58 w/cm (both cotton counts or NeC 
sizes) are both a bit finer.
Tanne 802 or Egyptian 80/2 would be the right sort of thickness, or YLI 
Heirloom Sewing 100/2 which has a slightly firmer twist. The Finca 100 will 
probably be OK although it might be a little on the heavy side; it depends on 
how you want the finished lace to look.  The finer the thread the less 
difference a couple of wraps/cm either way make 

Yes, Pipers do do a 90 denier silk which I've measured as 37 w/cm but it's an 
un-plied filament floss which spreads out so much more than a regular plied 
thread.  That sort of thread when made up will spread out just as it did when I 
made the wrappings, but it will also squash down together more - which is a big 
plus for some sorts of lace.


On 1 Oct 2013, at 07:48, Jenny Brandis wrote:

> On page 119 it says that 90 deniers equals 120/2 Nec or 200/2 Nm
> As I have Finca 100 (54wpc) I think that will work. If I am wrong,

Brenda in Allhallows

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