Hello, all -

There is nothing like a Lace Day (in this case, Lost Art Lacers
in Northern NJ, USA) to put you in a good mood.  Lovely conversation (hi,
Devon!) and great browsing of books.  Even treated myself to a couple!  (Okay,
so the nearly 50 degree F weather also contributes to the good mood - after
the nearly single digits for a couple of weeks and the not-so-good forecasts
for this coming week.)

In enjoying one of my new books today, I've come up
against a couple of thread questions that I could not find answers to using
the wonderful Brenda Paternoster book.  The book I purchased yesterday is La
Dentelle Torchon:  Nouvelles Creations by Martine Piveteau (2011 - in French).
 One of my favorite all-time lace projects came from her first Torchon book (I
admit disappointment with her second, but this one - call it her third? - had
a number of projects that caught my eye.)

Can anyone identify or give
equivalents for the following:

Soie de Paris du Ver a Soie (the Ver a Soie
words are italicize and have the little R in a circle for copyright)

Bergere de France (the full line says "cotton nature couleur platre Bergere de
France" - I know it means cotton in a natural/ecru color, but I don't know how
important the word platre is)

One project is a scarf and the other is a
shawl, so there is no doubt we are talking somewhat thick thread.  Just
looking to know approximately what it might be equivalent to.

Many thanks for
you help,
arlene in NJ in the US

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